Hi! I’m Farah. Born and brought up down south in Chennai, India. Married and moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Mother to 2 beautiful, sweet, obedient girls. Hold a masters degree in Business Administration.
I love food, coffee, rainy days, simplicity, ice cream, clothes, elegance, hanging out with my girlfriends, date nights with the husband, sleepover pajama parties with my girls……………….. and other random stuff!
Yes! You guessed it right. Started quite early when I was about 12……I remember my mum shooing me outta the kitchen before the tornado struck her clean, beautiful kitchen. Oh! The countless disasters I started off with( not that it’s stopped now!!)……….those burnt cookies, cakes that refused to come outta the pan in one piece, those ‘sponge’ cakes that could break a person skull into two………ACK! I’ve definitely come a long way since then…………. My mum agrees!;)
Now we need some motivation to start and continue this. Don’t we?
Lots of love,