I was thrilled with the outcome of this recipe. Never imagined this bread to be so tasty and delicious……I mean…..just scroll through the list of ingredients and see how healthy this bread is!! Thank you Marye for the lovely recipe!
When we buy Multigrain bread at our local bakery they cut down on the multigrain! This bread was FILLED LOADED with flaxseed and other grains!
This recipe is a keeper and Iv done it thrice already! Ok. Enough raving ..You need to try it to believe it. You can eat it plain or toasted with your favourite jam or butter……or evn plain with some scrambled eggs………..just the way I like it!
If you don’t own a stand mixer, you can always knead by hand. a…….lthough kneading for a good 10- 15 minutes might be tiring! But on the bright side………….you just got yourself a good arm workout!!
Refrigerate the loaf if you want it to last longer, Stays good for about 10 days in the refrigerator.


instant yeast – 1 packet (so no need to proof)
warm water –  1 cup
honey – 2 tbsps
7 grain mix – 1/4 cup
rolled oats – 1/2 cup (I used the quick cook oats)
flaxseed – 1/2 cup
bread flour – 1/2 + 1/4 cup
gluten – 2 tbsps
salt – 3/4 tbsp
melted butter – 1/4 cup
whole grain flour – 1/2 + 1/2 cup
  • In the bowl of your stand mixer or any big bowl, add the yeast, honey, warm water, 7 grain cereal, oatmeal, flaxseed and gluten. Give it a stir with a spatula.
  • Add 1/2 cup of the bread flour and 1/2 cup of whole grain flour.
  • Stir until mixed.
  • Cover with a cling wrap and place it in a warm spot and let it rise about 30 minutes.
  • Punch down the dough and add the salt and butter. With the dough hook attachment on the mixer let the mixer do the kneading. Add in the remaining bread flour and whole grain flour.
  • Let the mixer knead till you get an elastic dough.
  • Knead for about 10 minutes.
  • Cover and place in a warm spot for the second rise.
  • Another 20-30 minutes or until doubled.
  • Punch down.
  • Let it rest for about 10 minutes.
  • Shape into a loaf and place in a greased loaf pan
  • Oil the top and cover and let it rise another 20-30  minutes or until doubled.
  • Bake at 180 degrees for about 40-45 minutes or until the tops have turned a nice brown. it will sound hollow when tapped.
  • Cool completely before slicing.

Join the Conversation

  1. Farah what if I don't get bread flour

  2. Wow your bread looks seriously amazing!

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