Smoothies are definitely the best way to eat (drink) fruits. Im sure you all agree with me!!This recipe uses prunes. For those who dont mind bits of prunes when you drink the smoothie you can skip step 1 and 2.
A lovely way to start your day!


2 bananas
4-5 prunes
2 cups milk
5 ice cubes

  • put the prunes in the blender along with 3/4 cup of milk. Whiz well for about 2  mins. make sure the bits of prunes are minimal.
  • pass this through a sieve. keep aside
  • Next,  put the bananas into the blender along with the rest of the milk and ice. blend well. Add the prune mixture and whiz.
  • enjoy when its cold.

sending this to radhika of  tickling palates
to her event chilled delights

Join the Conversation

  1. smoothie looks just awesum..n nice cliks.

  2. This is a very healthy drink. I love it :$

  3. Fabulous drink…very healthy too
    You have a wonderful blog.Glad to follow you dear. Do visit my blog in your free time

  4. my fav.snack…yummy…

  5. Awesome drink Fa!
    Nice pics

  6. How fun is this? Such a unique and beautiful drink!

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